It’s the people —you— that are the backbone of our ministries. So this week we want to celebrate you! All of you. We are grateful for the selfless service of so many—to teach, to reach, to impact—in the name of Jesus.

Volunteer Spotlight: Lilia Hackert, Jonathan Kelsey & Bella Bouman, Tech & Digital Ministry

Volunteer Spotlight: Lilia Hackert, Jonathan Kelsey & Bella Bouman, Tech & Digital Ministry

“I started working in the tech booth to volunteer at church in a way that I enjoyed. I love it! I am able to utilize my skills to serve the church community and honor God.” - Lilia Hackert

"I typically serve in the church tech booth once or twice a month. I enjoy serving in this capacity, and it is fun to have the opportunity to operate the technology equipment. My favorite part of volunteering is helping to share the worship services with people who are unable to attend in person, enabling them to participate remotely.” - Jonathan Kelsey

“I volunteer about one Sunday morning a month by running all of the visual needs for the service. My mom is a big fan of Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day. Last year I didn’t have anyone to shadow on that day and my dad suggested I ask Kyle Olson if I could shadow him because I really love technology. Kyle helped me find a suitable role where I could serve and then included me in the schedule. I think that this is a cool way to serve God, and I enjoy every aspect of this work. It’s especially helped me pay attention to the sermons when we have guest pastors who don’t have the worship plan completed.” - Bella Bouman

Volunteer Spotlight: Diane Dykema & Bob Venhousen, GriefShare

Bob: “Hi, my name is Bob VenHousen and I’m here with Diane Dykema and representing our other leader, Laura Boot.

We are leaders of GriefShare, a ministry that's been around for about eight years or so at Elmhurst CRC. It’s been a real blessing and privilege to be a part of this ministry. GriefShare —it’s kind of like the name sounds. We’re sharing our stories, our journeys of grief with each other, and the people that come to the group.

We’re not trained professionals, but we do have a video series with professional counselors in it. Our main purpose is to get together with the people that come to share our stories, share our journeys of grief, and watch videos, and we actually do have times when we laugh and share each other’s lives, too. So, that’s a blessing to us.

Diane: “Well, both of us have, in different years, lost our spouses at a young age. And, yeah, we feel like we have felt the Lord's healing in our own hearts. And we want to help other people who are going not only with our unique stories but with every loss of a loved one. And it just helps we want to walk alongside of them, and help them on their journey, and to show them how God's love and helped us get through and become thriving people again...”

Listen in to the rest of the interview with Bob and Diane...

Volunteer Spotlight: Jeff & Jamie Byma, Reagan, Vivian & Jacob Byma, Hospitality Team

“We’ve been part of the Hospitality Team — greeting and ushering — and actively involved with hospitality since before COVID! It’s a family affair – our kids are enthusiastic participants as well. It energizes the entire family as we welcome familiar faces to our church, and extend a warm welcome to those who are visiting or exploring it for the first time!”

Volunteer Spotlight: Bradley Groenewold, Children’s Ministries

Volunteer Spotlight: Bradley Groenewold, Children’s Ministries

Our family absolutely loves Elmhurst CRC. What initially attracted us to this church was the opportunities it provided for our kids. They have loved their experiences in Nursery, GEMS, and Children’s Worship. As a teacher, I personally found volunteering in Children’s Worship to be a rewarding way to contribute to the church community. I love the opportunity that it provides to watch kids grow in their faith.”

Volunteer Spotlight: Beth Terpstra, Jubilee Furniture

Volunteer Spotlight: Beth Terpstra, Jubilee Furniture

“Volunteering at Jubilee was something new and different for me to try. When I initially signed up, I wasn’t sure exactly where I would fit in or what to expect. However, on my first day, I was pleasantly surprised to be involved in a variety of interesting tasks. The managers gave me a tour of the store, taught me how to assist customers, and write up purchase tickets. They encouraged me to participate in furniture displays, and price items and trained me on operating the cash register. Time flew by, and I eagerly looked forward to the next time!

There has not been a day that I haven’t enjoyed volunteering at Jubilee. It has been fun to help the customers, to work with friendly team members, to meet new people, and to see familiar faces from church and the Timothy Christian family. It’s interesting to see what furniture and decorations are donated, and what is sold, and hear positive remarks from the customers! Many are thrilled to find the perfect piece for their home at the right price!

Being part of a place like Jubilee, which actively gives back to the local community, makes me feel like I’m making a meaningful difference. By volunteering there, I am able to serve others in the name of Christ, which gives me a great sense of purpose.”

Jubilee Furniture -Lombard is a partnership with Timothy Christian Schools in Elmhurst. Proceeds support the OUTREACH – YORK Community Resource Center, serving residents in York Township and providing student scholarships at Timothy Christian Schools.

Volunteer Spotlight: Lindsay Slovey, Special Needs Buddy

Volunteer Spotlight: Lindsay Slovey, Special Needs Buddy

“I volunteer as a “buddy” in the Special Needs ministry. I spend one-on-one time during the church service with a young person with special needs. As a special education teacher in my daily life, I enjoy teaching children of all learning styles, but during this time, I am able to worship and experience Jesus in a whole new light. The most impactful Sunday I had volunteering was the morning we sang a favorite song of my young friend, and he sang aloud with the congregation. As tears were rolling down my cheeks, I was able to feel the love of Jesus around our entire congregation.

The Sunday I spend volunteering with the Special Needs ministry is the highlight of my month!”