Volunteer Spotlight: Diane Dykema & Bob Venhousen, GriefShare

Bob: “Hi, my name is Bob VenHousen and I’m here with Diane Dykema and representing our other leader, Laura Boot.

We are leaders of GriefShare, a ministry that's been around for about eight years or so at Elmhurst CRC. It’s been a real blessing and privilege to be a part of this ministry. GriefShare —it’s kind of like the name sounds. We’re sharing our stories, our journeys of grief with each other, and the people that come to the group.

We’re not trained professionals, but we do have a video series with professional counselors in it. Our main purpose is to get together with the people that come to share our stories, share our journeys of grief, and watch videos, and we actually do have times when we laugh and share each other’s lives, too. So, that’s a blessing to us.

Diane: “Well, both of us have, in different years, lost our spouses at a young age. And, yeah, we feel like we have felt the Lord's healing in our own hearts. And we want to help other people who are going not only with our unique stories but with every loss of a loved one. And it just helps we want to walk alongside of them, and help them on their journey, and to show them how God's love and helped us get through and become thriving people again...”

Listen in to the rest of the interview with Bob and Diane...

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